Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Funny things in January

I really have to get the hang of this blog-thing. I had the idea that I would write each and every time my kids said something funny. I don't have the time to sit at the computer all day long. They really are just THAT funny!  So, here are a few snippets from January.

Jan 1:  Mike was working so the kids and I stayed up late to watch the infamous ball drop.  After the countdown and the official ball-dropping, Dick Clark leaned over and kissed his wife. Not a peck. No no no. But a passionate embrace of a man that clearly loves his wife.  Ruby looks at me and says “Oh, man, GROSS. Why do have to look at that?” I told her that they were married and it was ok for them to kiss like that. She replied, “I shuldn’t have to look at it.”  Good to know my little princess isn’t a fan of the PDA. I think…

Jan 7: So, Ruby asked if we could have a family prayer tonight. I am very bad Mormon when it comes to this...so, I said yes. She offered to say it. Ended a little something like this "Please bless that we will have a good night's sleep. Please bless that we will have fun tomorrow. Please bless that Gizzy will stop mounting the duck...."

Jan 8: There was a commercial for the Grammy’s on. Sufficed to say, the woman they showed was scantily clad. I made mention that the girl’s boobies were about to fall out of the dress. Colin says,”I wish they would!”  I immediately chastised him by yelling sternly and disappointedly, “COLIN!” He says, “Sorry. I wish they would have.”
Jan 13: Colin (on Spongebob): This show has way too much nudity.
Jan 13: Today in the car Ruby was looking at my driver's license. She was asking question after question. "What's this date for?" "What's this mean?" etc... She said with shock (and frankly, I think a little disgust) "What is this?" I said "Sex? It's female." She said, "Oh good, I thought it meant fail."
Jan  23: Ruby and I sang, with the help of a very talented one Miss Johanna, a medley of Teach Me to Walk in the Light and I Believe in Christ. It was very beautiful. As we returned to our pew, Colin leaned in and said "Ruby was amazing! And, oh yeah, you were ok too, Mom."  I said "Gee. Thanks."  He said, "Let's face it mom, it ain't about you. It was all Ruby today."  Oh I love that kid!
 Everyday is funny. Funnier than the day before. Mostly we receive laughter from our adorable children. But, the one of the things in life I love the most is the fact that Mike makes me laugh. Daily.  The other night Mike was talking in his sleep. The other night he "woke up" angry and chastised me in gibberish. I heard "Blah blah....Don't chew on my guitar! mumble mumble...I don't want to ask again".  I played along telling him I was sorry I was hungry.  He yelled "go to the fridge:.  I had nothing else to say. It was 2am and I couldn't stop laughing!  

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